Saturday, July 11, 2009

In case you hadn't noticed obscure Christian religions are so hot right now. Proof: the polygamous Henrickson's in Big Love (a favourite show of both Hel Cooper and I), 'Utah' a John Proctor-esque Mormon inspired fashion shoot in Brodan's beloved Black magazine and the rise of the fanatical promise-ring wielding sect of Young Hollywood who take inbreeding to a whole new level (the Jonas Brothers, Jordin Sparks, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus et al.) Even TIME magazine reports vampire lit (or as Nicola refers to it, "paranormal romance") has been replaced by "bonnet books", love stories set amongst the "horse and buggy piety" of the Amish. My personal favourite denomination, though, would have to be the Bretheren. Never has there been a religion so highly discussed, yet so enigmatic (with the exception of Scientology). It's safe to say that Bretherens haven't had an easy ride, thanks to numerous A Current Affair style exposes, and people mistaking their aloofness for coldness, but I find them immensely intriguing. Their cottage-industry uniforms of denim skirts and bandanas, their rigid, slightly incestuous looking faces (planes of pale, smooth skin punctuated by a pair of fierce, beady eyes) and their waterfalls of untamed hair are all gloriously hypnotising. I'm definately more amazed than appalled when I imagine the goings-on of the Bretheren world behind the dark tinted windows of their people movers.